I hope the guide below will be useful and helpful to new developers :)
Let's assume we have two branches - master and development. Now to add a feature or perform a bug fix we should do the following.
1. Clone repo
[ git clone ]
2. Fetch repo and switch to development branch
[ git fetch && git checkout development ]
3. Create a new branch for your changes
[ git branch sample-branch ]
4. Check the list of available branches
[ git branch ]
5. Switch to newly created branch
[ git checkout sample-branch ]
6. Make required changes in code and test the feature or bug fix
7. Check the changed files
[ git status ]
8. Stage the changed files
[ git add --all ]
9. Commit the staged files
[ git commit -m "your message" ]
10. Switch back to development branch
[ git checkout development ]
11. Update development branch from remote repository
[ git pull origin development ]
12. Merge the sample-branch into development branch.
[ git merge sample-branch ]
13. Push the changes in development branch to remote repository
[ git push origin development ]
14. Once done and tested, delete the sample-branch
[ git branch -d sample-branch ]